How To Play Pickleball On A Tennis Court

We encourage families (especially) to buy a couple of cheap wooden pickleball paddles from KMart, Big W or Toyworld. The sets come with balls.

Go you your local tennis court and if possible lower the net to make it easier for your children to get the ball over the net. If you are lucky, there may be a local community court to play on for free.

You will play on the reduced size court (see below). The serve is underarm and everyone gets one serve or make up your own rules.  If the ball hits the line it is in. 

If your child is struggling, tell them to keep their eye on the ball. Stand near them and throw the ball softly to their paddle and tell them to hit it. Over time they will develop hand eye coordination.

Learn To Play Pickleball

We allow children over 13 to join our sessions, only after the adult has attended a session first so they can understand the level of skill required to play pickleball. If the parent is 'dragging' the child to a learn to play session against their will this will not have a positive outcome for anyone on the court, especially the other adult players.

Contact Gayle on 0403 507 780 to book your come and try pickleball session.

Click here to buy Kmart pickleball paddles